Our Products
Our range of chemicals is used far and wide in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, the UAE, USA, France, Russia, Philippines and Manilla. We have distributors throughout the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the USA.
Noncorrosive, odour-free, non-caustic and non-flammable. Working solutions are virtually neutral pH. Ideal for cleaning of rolling stock interior and exteriors, floors, carpets, upholstery or any surface where water can be used.
A versatile aircraft cleaner which has been formulated using the highest quality raw materials. Diluted with cold, warm or hot water it can be used on any washable surface to remove grease, oil and all types of general soiling.
Fast-acting and highly efficient emulsifiable safety solvent suitable for use on any washable surface. Non-toxic, bio-degradable and non-polluting. Will remove oil, grease, dirt, mould, dye, inks, carbon deposits, etc. and contains a corrosion inhibitor.
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